
Personal Project





November 2015


Adobe Illustrator, Figma

Tondo is a personal project that I started in 2015. It's an icon pack for Android that is inspired by the Material Design guidelines, but has a unique twist - the icons are wrapped in an iOS-like squircle shape.

I came up with the idea for Tondo after receiving positive feedback about my first icon pack, LollyDrop. LollyDrop was also based on the Material Design guidelines, and I wanted to build on that success with a new and unique icon pack.

To create the icons for Tondo, I used Adobe Illustrator and a base template that I had created to make the process faster and more efficient. Over time, the squircle shape became more pronounced, and the quality of the icons improved as my skills grew.

Early Designs (2015)

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Transition to Squircle (2016)

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Tondo Renewed (2017)

After taking a break from the Tondo project in 2016, I decided to restart it and begin working on new icons. This time, I chose to use Figma as my design tool, which allowed me to work more efficiently and quickly iterate on my designs.

Over the years, I've steadily expanded Tondo's iconset to include over 200 icons. This has required a lot of hard work and dedication, but it's been a rewarding experience. I've been able to continue developing my skills as a designer, and I'm proud of the final product.

Onboarding Flow
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